Kratom Caramel fudge


  • Every pack contains 2 caramel cubes
  • Each caramel contains 500mg of kratom
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Discover the delicious world of kratom caramel! Our unique blend combines the natural properties of kratom with the sweet temptation of caramel, creating an unforgettable experience. Treat yourself to a flavorful indulgence that not only tastes delicious but also offers the opportunity to enjoy the beneficial effects of kratom.Kratom caramel fudge is a fusion of kratom and caramel, offering a flavorful and convenient way to consume kratom. Typically made by blending kratom extract or powder with caramel, it provides a sweet taste that masks the bitterness of kratom.

Using our kratom caramel fudge can intensify its sedative effects, providing stronger relaxation and potential pain relief.


Ingredienten: suiker, plantaardige vetten (palm, kokos), glucosestroop, magere melkpoeder, water, zout, emulgator (sojalecithine), natuurlijke aroma’s, vanille extract en kratom.

Ingredients: sugar, vegetable fats (palm, coconut), glucose syrup, skimmed milk powder, water, salt, emulsifier (soy lecithin), natural flavors, vanilla extract and kratom.

Zutaten: Zucker, pflanzliche Fette (Palm, Kokos), Glukosesirup, Magermilchpulver, Wasser, Salz, Emulgator (Sojalecithin), naturliche Aromen, Vanilleextrakt und kratom.

Ingredients : sucre, graisses vegetales (palme, coco), sirop de glucose, poudre de lait ecreme, eau, sel, emulsifiant (lecithine de soja), aromes naturels, extrait de vanille et kratom.

Ingredientes: azúcar, grasas vegetales (palma, coco), jarabe de glucosa, leche desnatada en polvo, agua, sal, emulgente (lecitina de soja), aromas naturales, extracto de vainilla y kratom

Energie/ Energy/Energie / énergie kJ 1894/kcal 451 Vetten/fats/Fetten /Gras/Grodo 18g Waarvan verzadigd/ of wich saturated/Davon gesättigt/ Dont satures/de los cuales saturados 16g Koolhydraten/carbohydrates/Kohlenhydrate/ Glucides/carbohidratos 69 g Waarvan suikers/ of wich sugars/Davon Zucker / Dont sucres/de los cuales azúcares 64 g Vezels/ fibers/Fasern / fibre/Fibras 0,0 g Eiwitten/protein/Proteine / proteines/Proteína 2g Zout/salt/Zals / sel/Salado 0.54 g Netto gewicht/ Net weight/ Nettogewicht/ poids net/peso neto/ 7 gram


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